Sherman & Kay Critser
Church of God Coordinators for Native American Ministries
Since January 2013 Reverend Sherman and Kay Critser have been making themselves at home in Scottsbluff, Nebraska after coming back to the United States from Cote D’Ivoire in Africa. Initially, much work was needed to repair and restore the Scottsbluff Intercultural Chapel, connecting buildings, and the parsonage. Despite the construction, services continued in and around the Chapel. Besides pastoring at Scottsbluff Intercultural Chapel, the Critser’s also provide leadership development to those serving Native Americans in Scottsbluff and Alliance, NE, in Pass Creek, Wounded Knee and Rapid City, SD, and in Klagetoh, AZ. Rev. Sherman has been leading online leadership classes for the pastors. Prayer concerns include the need for more pastors to serve at the different sites. Pastor Sherman recommends viewing “The Children of the Plains” aired by ABC, for supporting partners to understand some of the challenges and opportunities that they face. The Church of God Ministries is currently working on their website section for Native American ministries. Visit the Church of God Ministries Endorsed Ministries page for more information.
Contact the Critsers as follows:
MAIL: Sherman & Kay Critser EMAIL:
P.O. Box 203 PHONE: 308-765-8590
Scottsbluff, NE 69363